Hey CPA, are you going to let an extensive workload ruin Christmas this year? We hope not. Avail outsourced bookkeeping and accounting services, and do these 10 things to keep stress at bay and live it up this Christmas. May the joy and cheer of the season keep your spirits high, and workload low. So read on to know how you can steer clear of long hours this holiday season.
It isn’t realistic to say holidays can be stress-free. Anyone who has been through caroling, greeting cards, shopping, eggnog, stockings and lighting, knows for a fact that holidays are anything but stress-free.
But the point here is, what kind of stress do you prefer these holidays – planning Christmas, or working long hours at the office? Honest to God, we hope you said “planning Christmas”, because that kind of stress is bittersweet. The memories and happiness Christmas brings, lasts an entire year! Although, if you’re about to spend the holidays in front of your computer, we really do feel sorry for you.
How can CPAs and Accounting Firms, steer clear of workload this Christmas?
The simple answer to this is to outsource your accounting and bookkeeping to Velan Bookkeeping. We can help you tackle the entire workload with dexterity. We set realistic expectations with our clients when it comes to delivery times and rest assured you get the highest quality output. So this holiday season, if you want work to be completed while you’re spending time with your family, call Velan Bookkeeping at +1-860-215-4997 or email us at [email protected] and we’ll make sure that you get enough time off from work to decorate the best Christmas tree ever!
Here are 10 things you absolutely need to do this Christmas
10. Sing Christmas Carols
Here are 5 most popular Christmas Carols to sing this year.
- Silent Night
- Good King Wenceslas
- Once in Royal David’s City
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- God rest you merry, Gentlemen.
9. Send Christmas Greetings
Missed it last year? Prep up for the perfect family picture and log in to one of the many online portals for sending Christmas Greetings. Make sure everyone in your family knows that this CPA is sipping warm cocoa with his family this Christmas, and not working late!
8. Shopping
No more last minute gifts. Thanks to outsourced bookkeeping and accounting, you’ve got more time on your hands and that means a better shopping experience! No more rush hour shopping – pick the best and plan your budget. You can do budgets like no one can!
7. Watch Movies
Yes! Spend time with your loved ones and watch all the movies you missed the entire year! Or if you’d rather, cuddle in and check out this list of top-grossing holiday films complied by CNBC.
6. Attend Parties
Go on and meet all your friends & relatives or just take your special someone to that happening nightclub, because after outsourcing to Velan, you’re going to have a relaxed winter knowing for a fact that we’re already working on delivering terrific quality in a commendable TAT!
5. Drink that eggnog
If you’re out of the “love it or hate it” dilemma, take a look at George Washington’s very own recipe for Eggnog – just remember that he forgot to record how many eggs he used! A dozen sounds likely to us though.
4. Make cookies
Or stock them up and start munching. We’re serious.
3. Hang stockings
Santa can drop by you know.
Bookkeeping services tailored to your needs
2. Bring out the lighting
Show some Christmas love to your home. Bring out the lights and get down to decorating. What’s Christmas without lights and a makeshift snowman?
1. Decorate the Tree
Decorate your Christmas tree with stars, turtle doves, candy canes, and what not. While some Americans get to have a real tree, an artificial indoor tree is a great option too! So put your DIY skills to good use and decorate a mind-blowing tree this time!
Outsource bookkeeping and accounting to Velan Bookeeping and find time to do all that’s listed on the “10 things to do this Christmas” list! Call us @ +1-860-215-4997 or email to [email protected] and we’ll ensure your work continues as usual while you get time to enjoy Christmas.